
Posts Tagged ‘eBooks’

…bring May flowers.

With any luck, that is. The way the weather has been acting up, I halfway expect another freeze.

As April comes to an end, we’re coming up to Mother’s Day. And I have a question for you.

If you are shopping for eBooks online, what would you like to see as a sale for Mother’s Day?

The first book in each of my series?

Your favorite series? (Tell me which one.)

All my books so you can pick and choose?

I’m sitting down this weekend to get things set up.

Along with this, which is your favorite book of mine? Is it one of the series, or one from Sultonna Nadine?

Have a great weekend, and comment our opinion for me.

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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Well, come with me and explore this fantasy world! Here’s a peek at what you’ll find on this world full of mischief, magic, and romance.

Available at Amazon or Smashwords.

And always remember to...

Share the Romance…

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Well, now is the time!

My alter ego, Sultonna Nadine, has a new book, Whiskey Jug Genie, ready for pre-order. Right now it’s in ebook format, but will soon be available in print as well.

So, what is this book?

Imagine an old whiskey jug, dark brown, and salt glazed from somewhere in the late 19th or early 20th century. Now imagine a young apothecary owner touring the American Southeast, who collects old jugs and bottles to decorate his shop. And he falls in love with this jug.

What he doesn’t know is that it holds one of the djinn–a genie–inside. Trapped inside. By a curse some 200 years ago. A genie who has been out of touch with the world for around 200 years.

Now imagine the shop owner and the jug in a London apartment, as he unstops the jug and releases a redneck genie into the modern world. A genie who insists his name is Bubba, and who can’t get too far away from his jug because of the curse.

While Martin may have a bit of magical and psychic ability, he knows nothing about curses. And Bubba knows nothing about electricity, automobiles, television, or telephones. To him, the whole world is run on some weird form of magic.

Join these two as they try to sort out this curse, while Bubba learns about the world of the 21st century. And as Martin tries to kindle more of a romance with a lovely lady who doesn’t know anything about magic or the djinn.

Where can you pre-order?

Whiskey Jug Genie is available at Books2Read! with links to all the retailers listing it.

So come on in and join the fun as these three try to unravel the problems brought about by a redneck genie in London!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

….to Share the Romance…

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If you’re like me, you like to read. And the fact that you are here says you do as well.

But sometimes, it’s easier to listen.

Did you know I have the first two books from the Esperance series available in audio? You can go over to Amazon and order them, or get them from Audible.

The reason I’m asking is that I’ve been considering narrating some of my own books. They won’t be as good as the first two, but I know a lot of people who love audio books. While I have no problem with narrating them in general, I can’t do the male voices properly, and I’m afraid it will be off-putting to those listening.

If you want an example of my narration, go over to my podcast of my blogs at Anchor.FM. Several of my posts have been made over into podcasts, and I hope to do a few more.

Drop me a line in the comments, or send me an email and give me your opinion.

Watch for Too Many Talents later this month.

And Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

Open magic book with the light. Eps 10

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Watch for what?

The Book Sale over at Smashwords!

Yes, it’s that time again. The Read an EBook Week Book Sale!

What is it?

For one week this March, many Smashwords authors will have their books discounted during this week. Some will be 75% off, some will be FREE! It all depends on the author’s choice.

Yes, all of my books will be on sale during this week. The first book in each of my series will be FREE. The rest will be $0.99 each. You can’t even buy a coffee for that these days.

So mark your calendars for March 6–12 and head on over to the sale.

Where can you find my books?

On my Author/Publisher Profile! Just scroll down the page. The books are listed by series.

So don’t miss the sale. Now is the time to try new authors, finish a series you started, or just have fun and buy books at random! Okay, maybe not that. But go have fun! Buy books. Escape this reality for a while and go somewhere exciting, or peaceful, or weird.

But whatever you do, don’t miss the sale!

For paranormal fantasy romance, go to my profile! Meet Jareth and Viviane, Damianno and Karianna, Richard and AnnMarie, and host of others.

As always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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Yes, here it is the last Friday of February. Wasn’t it just the first of February a few days ago?

Of course, I’m sure the crazy weather around here hasn’t helped much. Just last week we had one night where the temperatures dipped down into the 20’s. Last night? Mid-60’s. My body can’t adjust to this.

But enough of the weather. Let’s talk books!

Here’s something to put on your calendar!

Read an eBook Week is coming to Smashwords March 6! And that means a whole lot of books will be on sale!

What’s not to like about that?

But it only lasts for a week, so make sure to head over there early.

Yes, all my books will be in the sale, from Gambler’s Folly, Esperance, and Master of the Fleet! If you haven’t tried my books yet, or if you need to add to one of the series, now would be a good time.

I’ll remind you and post a link to the sale as soon as it is available, so keep an eye out for it. I don’t know about you, but I love book sales.

But to continue what I started last week…

Where did I get the idea…

…for Jareth, First Lord?

This book began as a dream which kept repeating, night after night. Not the beginning, but partway through what became the second chapter. Just the one scene. And every time I would wake up and go back to sleep, it would come back.

Finally, to get it out of my head, I sat down and wrote out the scene that was on repeat in my brain, only to have it pick another scene with the same cast of characters, at some other point in the book.

In order to get a little sleep, I sat down and tried to piece together how these characters came to be where they were in the first scene. Why would they find themselves in this situation? And where would they go from there?

And Jareth, First Lord was born, followed by the continuation of the story in Viviane, First Lady.

The third book in the series is inset into the story flow. Morgan is a character introduced in the first book. I loved her character and wanted to explore who she was and why she had come to Clan Brannach.

The story will continue in the fourth book of the series, which will be out later this year–Too Many Talents.

But what started the whole thing? Let me give you an excerpt!


In the gray light of dawn one week after the postings,
the women for The Choosing gathered on the parade grounds
of the Belfort estate, nervous and frightened.
Striding up to the podium, First Lord Jareth addressed the
crowd. “Custom dictates older daughters marry first. With this
in mind, I will accept volunteers. Some of you who are
younger, with long waits ahead, may wish to try your chances
in Clan Brannach. Once the volunteers are accepted, we will
choose from those left to make up the tithe.”

While his men recorded the names of the girls who came
forward, Jareth once again felt the strange spider on his brain
which he’d sensed in the village. Searching the group before
him, he was drawn to cascades of black curls shimmering in
the soft morning light. About twenty feet away, she was
comforting others with a touch or quick hug. Her concern
impressed him. As she turned to face him, her dazzling blue
eyes captivated his heart.

Regaining his senses, he threaded his way through the
crowd. As he drew closer her eyes sparkled like the blue
waters of a mountain stream in the sun. Lush dark lashes
framed them in perfect contrast to her smooth, creamy skin.
Her mouth was a small rosebud begging to be kissed. She
appeared to him as a fairy princess come to life. Expecting
fear or anger as he approached, all he saw was inner strength
shining through sadness. He cultivated his imposing presence,
but she rose tall and met his gaze.

“Good morning, miss. What is your name?”

Don’t forget the book sale March 6!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

...to Share the Romance…

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I swear, Mother Nature needs to get back on her meds or something. Maybe see a shrink. She seems stuck in bitch mode. Yesterday was a little chilly and rainy, but not really cold. I think it was in the mid-50’s And during the night the temperatures slowly climbed until it was around 60 degrees this morning.

Of course, since then, the temperatures have been dropping, with an expected low in the 20’s tonight. From spring to winter in one overnight jump. Our animals can’t figure out what to do. Should we grow fur and feathers or begin shedding again?

What am I saying? I can’t figure out what to do either. I have winter clothes out, summer clothes out, clothes everywhere. And I’m still not comfortable. I’m either too hot or too cold, but never quite comfortable.

In the meantime, I’m working on the next book in the Esperance Series. No, not the next one for you, but the next one in the series I’m writing. The next one for you, Too Many Talents, is in its final edit. And after that will be Ben of Blackstone’s Forge. Finally we’ll get to the one I’m working on now, Gregor Thayne.

Yes, I do have new books planned, but they take a little while for me to get them out to you.

But if you haven’t read the first books in the series, this would be a good weekend to give them a try.


All the Esperance books are on sale this weekend over at Smashwords. Take your pick, or pick all three. They’re only $0.99 each through Sunday evening.

Come on. You can’t even buy a cup of coffee for that any more. And at Smashwords, you can choose which format ebook you need for your reader.

So keep warm. Or cool. Or whatever it is you need today. Maybe Mother Nature will get her act together soon.

But before I go, how about a small excerpt from Too Many Talents?

Too Many Talents

Excerpt from Chapter 2–Connell

“But Mom, why do I have to go live with Grandpa? I want to stay here with you,” Connell complained for the hundredth time.

“You know why, young man,” his mother scolded. “And as soon as your father and I can take care of everything here, we’ll join you.”

“But how long will that be?” he asked, rolling his blue eyes at her. “I don’t know why we have to go anyway. I don’t want to be First Lord.”

“Now that is enough. We don’t have time for this. You’re ten years old and you know better.”

“I’m almost eleven,” he countered.

“Then start acting like it,” his mother snapped, exasperation beginning to show.

“But what about all my friends? I won’t have any friends there,” he continued.

“I’m sure you’ll make new friends.”

“But I like my old ones.”

“Connell, find something to do besides complain, or I’ll find something for you to do.”


The little boy of almost eleven spun on his heel and ran out the door. Arriving at his favorite spot by the stream, he dropped down onto a large gray boulder and fought back the tears. No, he would not cry. Selecting a flat stone from the bank, he skipped it expertly across the water.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been there before he heard someone behind him.

“Connell? Can I sit with you?”

Great! The voice could only be little Nell. She was all right for a girl, but, well, she was a girl. And she was always trying to help him with whatever he was doing. Two years younger than he was, they’d grown up together in the village, and he’d always liked her, even though she could be annoying.

“I guess. Sure,” he answered with a sigh.

He turned to give the little blonde, blue-eyed girl a hand so she wouldn’t slip on the bank. Once seated on the rock bench, she smoothed her flowered frock down over her knees.

“What are you doing down here? I thought you guys were moving.”

“Mom’s mad and told me to find something to do. So I came down to skip stones.”

“I could never do that. Can you show me?”

Even if she was a girl, Nell took his mind away from his problems. They skipped stones until the light began to fade.

“We should probably go back, Nell,” he told the little girl. “Mom was mad before I came down here. If I’m too late getting back, it won’t help anything.”

“Will I see you before you go, Connell?” she asked.

“I guess. We’ll be here a few days yet, and anyway, I’ll come back sometimes.”

“Can I still be your friend when you’re First Lord?”

“Of course. Why couldn’t you?”

“I don’t know. I just wondered. Thanks, Connell.”

About a week later, over the weekend, his father got the cart ready for the trip to Belfort Manor. Connell had determined ahead of time not to cry, no matter what, at least until they were out of town.

Though his mother said she was fine, he saw a few tears threatening to fall before he looked away. He so wished his parents could come with him right now. The idea of living with his grandfather, the First Lord, was intimidating

Of course, Nell had been there, tearful, and sure she’d never see him again. The pretty little bouquet of wildflowers was a sweet gesture, and after a quick hug, she buried her face in her mother’s skirt with a big sob.

“He’s not going away forever, Nell,” his mother had said. “He’s going to train his skills so he’ll be a good First Lord.”

So Ciao for now, and as always…

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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All right, I know it is the electronic age. Technology is everywhere, whether we like it or not. Everywhere you look, there is something else being done electronically.

But I wonder, how many readers prefer ebooks to print? Do people buy paperbacks and hardcover books anymore? Or are actual physical books a thing of the past?

I have recently been reading ebooks mostly because of the trouble I’m having with my eyes. I can’t seem to get enough light on the printed page to read the words. But I would much prefer an actual print book. There’s something about the feel of it in your hands, the turning of pages, and the smell of the ink.

It isn’t just the reading. It’s the whole experience. New books have the fresh from the press smell of the new paper and ink. Old books from a bookstore, especially the really old ones, have a musty, dusty smell. Sometimes, on the fly leaf you will find a brief note from a previous owner. Maybe it’s the date of purchase. Perhaps the book was given as a gift and there is a birthday or holiday message to the recipient of the gift.

On rare occasions, you might come across an autographed book and wonder who originally bought it. How did this book come to be in a used book store?

And how much are you willing to pay for a book? Do you buy ebooks from new authors, to try them out before committing to anything more expensive? I do this quite often with someone I’ve not read before. And then, if I like the book–and can actually see–I buy the next book in a print format.

Maybe you wait until they have a sale on, so you can save money. I like to do this if I’m completing a series, because I know I’ll probably binge read the whole thing.

If you’re looking for books this season, you can find all of mine in all formats at Amazon.

If you like ebooks, keep your eyes open for December 17, the start of the Smashwords seasonal book sale. All my books, and others, will be on sale for the holidays.

So drop me a line below, and share your thoughts with me. If I don’t see you again, have a wonderful and happy holiday!

Winter Wonderland

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But then, shouldn’t we always be thankful?

Before I get started on a rant, let me tell you the news.

For my thank you to all my readers, and those who follow me, I’m having a book sale.

Starting today and running through November 26, all my books on Smashwords will be available for 0.99 each. So if you’ve been waiting to try one, or aren’t sure, now is the time to take the plunge.

I mean, you can’t go wrong for less than a buck. Right?

So, do you prefer shifters or psychic abilities?

For shifters, look at the Gambler’s Folly Series.

For psychic abilities, try Esperance.

Maybe you like magic. If so, give Master of the Fleet a read.

Want an excerpt? Click on the Excerpt button at the top!

Not interested in e-books? If you prefer paperbacks or hardcover, go on over to Amazon! All my books are now available in both those formats as well!

Anyway, I think winter is making a comeback, so it is time to sit by the fire, with the cats, and have a nice read. Maybe a nice cuppa to go along with it. Just lean back, get comfy, and go to another place or time–or both!

If I don’t talk to you again before the holiday, have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

And as always…

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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And I do apologize. Summer has kind of gotten away from me this year, what with my husband in and out of town quite a bit, trying to garden in a thunderstorm, and find a way to walk without drowning.

But other than that, things are moving pretty smoothly here in the Southeast

So what has been happening in my writing?

Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale is still on through July 31 and all of my books are included. Most of them are a name-your-own-price book, a few are a very low price. All the books in the two series and the one published as Sultonna Nadine are there for you to snap up.

I love their Summer Winter sales for trying out new authors, adding more books to a series I’ve started, or just picking something at random. And with the sale prices, I can afford it.

Now, works in progress…

Gregor Thayne has been growing, and I believe I see a path toward the ending. One of the Esperance series stories, it will come after Ben of Blacstone’s Forge, which will come after Too Many Talents, so I have time to finish it and tinker. But I think you’ll like Gregor and his wife Caela. We were introduced to the family Rowan in Viviane, First Lady, at Viviane’s brother’ s trial. First Lord Kinsey was one of the judges on the bench during the proceedings.

Gregor is quite different from his father. More of a rogue than one would expect from the heir to the house, at one time in his life, he ran away from home, fled to the other side of the clan, took his mother’s maiden name, and joined the city guard. Eventually reconciled with his father, he agreed to take up his duties once again, but retained the name change.

On Gambler’s Folly, we have Unwilling Soulmates. Trevor is a leopard shifter from a wealthy family in Scotland, recently transfereed to Speranza from Crystal Mountain. Theresa is from Chicago and has an extreme prejudice against rich kids “playing cop.” Mother Nature is trying to push them toward a mating challenge, but she can’t stand the mention of his name, and her attitude has put him quite off. Every time they meet, she hurls more barbs and insults to the point of the chief threatening her with a three day suspension.

In the meantime, they have a drug issue going on, which this department of shifters is trying to track down. But the suppliers are an elusive bunch. Working with Dmitri, Nagi, and Shoda, Trevor would love to settle in to this new post. But that woman is making things particularly difficult.

Where will this end up? I’m working on that bit. But it will come in after Old Flame and Scotch and Soulmates in the Gambler’s Folly lineup.

Do you follow me on Twitter or Facebook? I’m thinking of starting a weekly snippet on Friday. What do you think? It would be little peeks at my WIP’s as things progress. Leave a comment if you have an opinion.

But do go check out the Book Sale at Smashwords. And check out my profiles on social media. For now, it’s time to sign off and get some writing done. Esperance? Or Gambler’s Folly? Where shall I visit today?

Ciao for now!

And Don’t Forget…

...to Share the Romance…

Coming soon…

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