
Posts Tagged ‘Amazon’

The book cover for Whiskey Jug Genie was selected for the book cover contest over at All Author. The contest just started the first round and I could use your help.

If you like my books, and if you like the book cover, skip on over there and give me your vote in this round.

Written by my alter ego, Sultonna Nadine, this is a fun story featuring a London apothecary owner, his girlfriend and energy healer, and a cursed genie. If you haven’t read it yet, you can find it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and most other retailers. Here’s the link over at Books2Read, where you can choose your retailer and format!

To vote in the contest, click this link for AllAuthor!

Have a wonderful week and thank you in advance.

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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Well, come with me and explore this fantasy world! Here’s a peek at what you’ll find on this world full of mischief, magic, and romance.

Available at Amazon or Smashwords.

And always remember to...

Share the Romance…

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Yes, summer is beginning to think about winding down for the year. While the evenings have been a little cooler, the days are still hot and humid, thanks to the sporadic rain showers. Of course, the 2 1/2 inches of rain we got a couple nights ago really boosted that humidity. We’re getting ready for my husband’s shoulder surgery later this week, so we’ve had appointments with surgeons, the hospital, you name it, which is why I’ve been absent recently.

So, what have I been up to lately?

Editing. Not my most favorite thing, but it has to be done. At least if I take some time wit it, my editor won’t have a heart attack.

I’ve been through Gregor Thayne, another book from Esperance. This was the first read through and while it had some issues, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. Now, I’ll ;ut it aside for a while before coming back to it. Kind of let my mind take a break.

Next up is my final edit of Lady Calloway, from Sultonna Nadine. I’m still trying to decide on the final title for the book. I’m several edits into this book, so now it’s just finding all the loose ends and spelling errors I missed the first few times. What usually happens is I rewrite something and delete the old version. But once in a while, at 2 am, I don’t get all of something deleted, which leaves it sounding rather strange.

In the meantime, Ben of Blackstone’s Forge is coming along. It will be the fifth book from Esperance, featuring the son of a blacksmith with a unique family Talent. He has iron under his control. His love life on the other hand needs some help.

Have a wonderful week. Stay cool. And pick up something to read this evening.

And as always,,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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This has been a week. Still trying to sort out auto and home insurance. Still working on getting things arranged for my husband to retire and get ready for his surgery coming up in about a month.

So the well decided to run low on water.

Yes, we now have aerated water coming out of the tap, which is not a good thing. The question is, do we need to drill a new well or see if they can do something to fix this one?

But at least we have two new little kitties to keep us entertain. Names for now are Licorice and Spook, who are both black, as you may have guessed, and 4 months old. They moved in and took over. Miss Kitty, our long haired white kitty is annoyed. The Lugnut, our 1 year old puppy, is not sure about the whole affair. They’ve taken over his bed and the couch, so where is a dog to sleep? I’ll try to get some pictures later.

In the meantime, when I’m not stressed to the max, I’m editing on Old Flame. Yes, still. I know… I’ll cut it down as I go. And writing on Tiger’s Tempest.

And as for wizards…

Check out Master of the Fleet, by Sultonna Nadine. I could use someone around here who could control wind and water…

So what are you reading?

Drop me a line with suggestions.

Or go over to Amazon or Smashwords and check out what I have to offer!

In the meantime, have fun. Enjoy the nice weather, if you’re here in the Southeast.

And as always,

Don’t Forget

…to Share the Romance…

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Here it is August already and summer is in full swing down here in the Southeast. We haven’t had any rain in a few days and the temperatures are rising. But where has the summer gone?

I don’t know about where you live, but around here, school starts in August. In some areas, it starts as early as August 5. So everywhere in town is slammed with people trying to get their school shopping done. It is a crazy world out there.

But, with school starting, why don’t you sit back with a cold drink and a good book? With the kids in school, now’s the time to catch up on your reading.

Check out my books on Amazon for paranormal fantasy romance. Or check out Sultonna Nadine–my pen name for stand alones–for a bit more magic!

Esperance — a more frontier-like world where paranormal abilities abound.

Gambler’s Folly–a vacation planet with hunky shifters as Interpol agents, fighting crime and finding soulmates.

Master of the Fleet–an alternate universe of the Pacific Northwest, where magic is all around, but doesn’t seem to help Richard’s love life.

There you have it–a total of eight books to choose from.

So what are you waiting for?

Grab yourself a cold drink, find a comfy spot, sit back and take a virtual vacation to a mystical world.

And remember,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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Mother Nature, please make up your mind. This back and forth is making me crazy.

I don’t know what the weather in your part of the world is like, but we go from temperatures in the 70’s to temperatures in the 50’s overnight. And then the lows go from the 50’s to the 20’s.

Could someone please check on Nature’s medications? I think she needs a refill…

Sorry I haven’t been here in a bit. I’ve had surgery and have been trying to catch up on everything I had to let slide. But I’m back now! Watch out world!

As for what I’m working on, my editor has a new book in the Esperance series, and one from Sultonna Nadine which should both come out this year.

Ben of Blackstone’s Forge is another paranormal romance from Esperance. And as you might guess, Ben is a blacksmith. But the love of his life turned cold when he had to leave temporarily to finish his apprenticeship. Nobody knows why, but the woman he was sure he would marry will have nothing to do with him.

Or anyone else, apparently.

And his father is determined Ben should marry soon, going so far as to set a time limit on finding someone suitable. When Ben doesn’t meet his deadline, the man arranges a marriage for him–with the girl who shuns his attentions.

And from Sultonna Nadine?

Whiskey Jug Genie!

Martin runs an apothecary in London. Taking his holiday in the American Southeast, he comes across an old whiskey jug which would be ideal as part of the decor in his shop.

How could he know it housed a genie, who had been trapped for over 200 years? And that the only way to rid himself of his new guest is to remove a curse cast by a long dead witch?

Watch for these two books this year. I’ll keep you posted on release dates.

In the meantime, why don’t you catch up on the Esperance Series?

You can find all the links on my links page.

Or go to Amazon or Smashwords!

For Sultonna Nadine, check out Master of the Fleet, a story set in an alternate universe where magic is just a part of everyday life.

So whether you’re cozying up to the fire or opening the windows to catch a breeze, grab a nice cuppa, a good book, and sit for a spell.

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

Covers not necessarily final…

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I am often asked if I use a pen name. And the answer to that is both yes and no.

How can it be both?

When I first started writing and publishing my books, I used my actual name, mainly because it never occurred to me not to. Yeah, I’m a little slow.

But then I mentioned to a friend that my mother had another name picked out for me, but was pressured to name me after my two grandmothers. My dad was the eldest son of his family and I would be the first grandchild on my mother’s side. So she got overruled. When he asked what the name was, I told him. Sultonna Nadine. And he loved the name.

I told him he could name one of his characters Sultonna if he’d like, but he said no. The name was mine and I should use it somewhere. Maybe as a pen name. I thought it was a wonderful idea to honor my mother’s choice of names for me. And honestly, I’d always wished she’d given me the name she’d chosen. I feel more a Sultonna than a Mellie most times.

Since I already had both series started under Mellie Miller, I wasn’t sure what to do with the name, until I had the idea for Master of the Fleet. It didn’t fit in either series, but I loved the story. What if I wrote stand alone novels under a different name…

Et voila! Sultonna Nadine the author is born!

So there you have it–the story behind the author. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t like the spelling of Sultonna, so if you do a search, it will always come up with a different suggestion. But Sultonna it is.

Am I going to write more under this name?

Absolutely! I actually have two different stories ready for professional editing for Sultonna Nadine. I hope to have one of them out this winter. So keep an eye on this blog for news of a release.

Have a wonderful weekend and a splendid month of September–my birth month!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to share the Romance…

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But at long last, I think autumn is on the way. I hope this heat wave over the weekend is Mother Nature’s last hurrah for summer.

So what’s in the works?

Too Many Talents, the fourth book from Esperance, should be out soon. I know, I keep saying that, but we’ve had to go back for more rewrites. Me and beginnings just don’t seem to get along. I’m fine after the first chapter. For some reason, most of my ideas start somewhere around Chapter 3. Weird…

And hopefully by the end of the year, there will be another Sultonna Nadine book out. I’ve finished my last edit on Whiskey Jug Genie before the editor gets her hands on it. It isn’t as long as most of my novels and while it deals with magic, the romance is sort of low key.

Martin runs an apothecary shop in London. While on vacation in the southern USA, he finds an old whiskey jug to add to his collection of old bottles and jugs. What he doesn’t realize until he gets it home is that a genie is trapped inside. And once Bubba is released, things become…complicated.

So watch for Whiskey Jug Genie. And yes, Sultonna Nadine is the correct spelling of the name, no matter what Amazon says.

Need to catch up on a series? Go to Amazon!

Have a wonderful end of August. I’ll see you again in September!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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If you’re like me, you like to read. And the fact that you are here says you do as well.

But sometimes, it’s easier to listen.

Did you know I have the first two books from the Esperance series available in audio? You can go over to Amazon and order them, or get them from Audible.

The reason I’m asking is that I’ve been considering narrating some of my own books. They won’t be as good as the first two, but I know a lot of people who love audio books. While I have no problem with narrating them in general, I can’t do the male voices properly, and I’m afraid it will be off-putting to those listening.

If you want an example of my narration, go over to my podcast of my blogs at Anchor.FM. Several of my posts have been made over into podcasts, and I hope to do a few more.

Drop me a line in the comments, or send me an email and give me your opinion.

Watch for Too Many Talents later this month.

And Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

Open magic book with the light. Eps 10

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Yes, Too Many Talents should be out later this month. Book 4 from the Esperance Series, it continues where Viviane, First Lady left off. It picks up just after Jareth and Viviane return from her brother’s trial in Clan Belfort.

Viviane’s training has not progressed well since returning from her brother’s trial. Her instructor and husband feel it’s because she’s resisting training due to an unfortunate incident in the court. But the more she resists, the more often her Talents get out of hand, causing episodes almost every day.

What will it take for her to finally step up and be the multi-talented First Lady she was born to be?

Back in Clan Belfort, her nephew, Connell, struggles with the concept of Talents. Why should he need these weird abilities to rule the clan when the time comes? And why must he leave his old friends behind and move to his grandfather’s home to train? But when old friends, jealous of his change of status, decide to harm his little friend, Nellie, his abilities take over and save her from harm.

Maybe this is his turning point. And maybe he should talk with his Aunt Viviane.

Watch for Too Many Talents, Esperance Book 4

Now, how about an excerpt?

“Viviane, Duncan is worried about you and has me worried, too.”  

“Worried? Whatever for?” she asked.

“I know how you feel about your Talents, but hiding from them isn’t the answer. And neither is running away and pretending they don’t exist. Duncan and I feel the loss of control you are experiencing is coming from something besides the porting aspect of your Talents.”

“I don’t know what you mean, Jareth,” she answered sharply.

 “Yes, you do, Viviane. Since we’ve been home you’ve been resisting your Talents, and fighting them, especially during training. They will win in the end. In the meantime your control will get worse and worse, until it is manifesting more unpredictably, even when you’re not working with it. With the strengths you have, you will hurt someone, while trying to deny your heritage.”

“But Jareth…”

“Your Talents have to be trained,” he stated emphatically. “There is no escape from it. You have to let go of your fears and put your entire will into your training. It’s the only way to gain control before you do irreparable harm.”

“I don’t want these Talents, Jareth! I never have! Why won’t they go away and leave me alone?”

Now, from Connell in Clan Belfort.

At ten years old, he has been chosen to train as heir to the clan in Carl’s place, which requires him moving to his grandfather and first lord’s home, away from his friends, and for now, his family.

Why does he need Talents to rule the clan anyway? He doesn’t see the point in all this training and the headaches.

But when his old friends come down for the Gather, their jealousy makes them lash out in the one way they know will hurt Connell–by picking on his friend Nellie. As they restrain him and try to hurt her, his Talents come to the rescue, making him think about all those things he’d heard and now how they might apply in real life.

Here’s an excerpt from Belfort.

With a huge sigh, Connell took a deep breath, let it out, and dropped down into his mental working state. Focusing on the little box on the bench, he tried to reach out and nudge it to the end of the table. Instead of scooting to the end of the table, it rolled over twice and refused to budge another inch.

Coming back to his conscious level, he shrugged his shoulders in aggravation and looked up at Master Olivier.

“Well, at least you didn’t slam it into the wall. But why did you roll it instead of slide it?”

“I have no idea, sir.”

“Maybe we should work on something else for a while. Go get a drink of water, stretch out for a minute, and come back. We’ll work on your telepathy and see if we can narrow down your focus.”

By the end of the day’s session, Connell had a tremendous headache, and he was aggravated and frustrated with his progress. What was he missing? Master Olivier told him it would all come together soon, but what if it didn’t? His whole family and clan were counting on him, and he couldn’t even move a box from one end of the table to the other.

Watch for Too Many Talents! I’ll keep you posted!

To get the first three books in the series, go to Amazon or Smashwords!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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