
Posts Tagged ‘Moonlight and Shadows’

And I wish the weather would decide what season we’re going to be in. A week ago, it seemed like late autumn was here. And then two days ago, summer came back.

But in the meantime, what is everyone reading?

As most of you know, I usually write paranormal romance novels. But sometimes I branch out, and this is one of those times. My alter ego, Sultonna Nadine has a new short story out you might want to check out. Set in Wyoming, one of my favorite places, we meet DEA agent Shane Shadowstalker.

But out there in the high desert, among the sage, can you believe what your eyes are telling you? Or is it all an illusion brought about by the wind, the moonlight, and the shadows?

Go on over and give it a quick read.

Moonlight and Shadows–a paranormal short story.

And remember,

Always Look for the Magic…

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All right, who else remembers the musical, Camelot? With Julie Andrews?

Every time the first of May comes around, I think of the song from Camelot–The Lusty Month of May. It is such a happy, upbeat song as we head into spring and look forward to summer.

Now if the weather will cooperate… I put tomatoes out, thinking it would certainly be warm enough at night for them. But I’m keeping an eye on the temperatures. Last night it got down to 42 out here. If it gets much lower, I’ll have to start covering them.

In the meantime, I’m still working on Tiger’s Tempest. I’m also revamping Moonlight and Shadows as a novella for Smashwords.

So stay tuned for all of those coming up. Tiger’s Tempest will be a while. It is in progress and waiting in queue behind three other Gambler’s Folly books yet to be released.

But don’t forget the rest of the Gambler’s Folly series or the Esperance books on Amazon!

Have a wonderful month of May!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance

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As most of you know, I usually write full length novels. But sometimes, I have an idea for a nice short story.

And that’s the case with Moonlight and Shadows.

If you’ve never been out at night, in the high desert around southwestern Wyoming, you simply can’t imagine the magical feel of the area. In the moonlight, everything appears as shades of gray in a world of shifting shadows. It seems that nearly anything could happen out there.

If you get far enough way from town, there is nothing and nobody except the wind in the sage brush and the moonlight casting shadows all around. You may see the occasional jack rabbit or hear the coyotes in the distance, but it is a different world out there. Some people find it intimidating or spooky. Some people hate the sound of the wind.

I’ve always found it a place of mystery and magic. But can you really trust your eyes in the moonlight?

So here is my little story for you. As you might expect, it is paranormal in nature. Meet our MC who is a DEA agent hoping to be on time for a meeting with an informant. And of course, everything is going wrong on this particular evening. But I don’t want to give it all away. And at some point, I may turn it into a full length novel. Who knows?

So go on over to Vocal.Media and click on Moonlight and Shadows. Of course, I would love it if you checked out a few of my other stories there as well.

Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful, and happy weekend.

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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