
Posts Tagged ‘Fantasy romance’

Wishing you a wonderful new year for 2024.

Watch for new releases this year. I hope to release a new book in each series. So stay tuned!

In the meantime,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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I know. I’m late for last week’s post, so this one will have to do double duty. But let me explain.

My husband had a total shoulder surgery last Wednesday. I don’t now if you know someone who’s had this particular procedure, but it makes life difficult during the recover. In his case, it is doubly so, since the surgery was done on his dominant side. So eating, washing, doing anything really, has been awkward. Everything is set up for him to use his left hand–he’s a lefty–and so everything is out of reach.

Having to do everything with one hand is awkward as well, like getting dressed or taking a shower. Unless you’ve had a shoulder issue of some sort, you don’t realize how much you use those muscles–even when you’re not using that arm.

In the meantime, I’ve finished my latest edit of Whiskey Jug Genie and of Gregor Thayne. One is a stand alone for my Sultonna Nadine books. The other is the next book for Esperance–after Ben of Blackstone’s Forge.

This was my first time through Gregor Thayne, and I’m happy to say it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. Yes, it needs work, and my editor will probably tear out her hair–or mine. But as a first read through, I was happy with the result.

Whiskey Jug Genie is just fun. And I’m so glad my husband came up with the idea. Since it isn’t part of a series, it is written under my pen name, Sultonna Nadine. Imagine, if you will, one of the djinn trapped in a whiskey jug for 200 years. He’d spent considerable time before this in the deep south of the United States and picked up quite a southern accent.

Now imagine him freed in modern day London, bound to the owner of his jug, who is an apothecary shop owner.

Let chaos reign!

But more about this story over on my Sultonna Nadine page.

Next in Esperance will be Ben of Blackstone’s Forge.

Ben’s family has a way with iron, a particular talent which runs in the family. During his childhood, up until he went away to serve an apprenticeship with another forge, Ben had planned to marry Deborah. They’d always seen themselves together, as had their families.

But while he was away, something changed. The young woman will scarcely speak to him as they pass in the street. But no one can tell him why. His father keeps hinting he should find a wife. But the only woman he has ever wanted to marry was Deborah.

Deborah had always known she and Ben were meant for each other. But while she waited for him to return, something happened which she has kept secret even from her mother. She can’t marry Ben, or anyone else. Her father strongly suggests she at least go out with some young men suitable for her, but he doesn’t understand the situation. And she can’t explain.

So what are they to do when their parents arrange a marriage for them?

Watch for Ben of Blackstone’s Forge!

That’s all for now.

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance

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No, I haven’t abandoned all the folks on Gambler’s Folly. It has just been very busy around here lately.

But just to prove I’ve been doing something, here’s the first few paragraphs from Old Flame.

Old Flame

Chapter 1

Kort Behrens stepped out onto the front porch of his elegant home late in the afternoon. With its tall windows facing the setting sun, the house sat back into the mountains of the Sierra Nevada range in Northern California. 

“All right, Ernie,” he told his estate manager. “I’ll be back in about a month, depending on how things shake out. You know how it is.”

“Indeed I do, sir,” the man of about forty-five told him. “Have a nice vacation.”

“Thanks, Ernie.”

Folding  his six foot eight inch frame into the limo, Kort relaxed back to enjoy the drive.

Two hours later, his driver let him out at the Reno Hyatt and passed his luggage to the concierge. Though the limo was comfortable, a long drive always made him stiff. Maybe it was age creeping up on him. He’d turned fifty-five this year after all. Even doing his best to stay in shape, the stress of his life took its toll. Still, he looked good for his age, his light brown hair only now beginning to show some gray at the temples.

Sinking into the comfortable bed, he dozed until the soft chime on his com woke him at six-thirty. After a warm shower and change of clothes, he took the lift down to the third floor dining room. Raised voices caught his attention as he entered the room and breaking his contemplative mood.

A  few tables away, a woman with shoulder length blond hair looked beaten under the verbal assault from the man who stood across the table. There was no reason for this sort of altercation in public, especially in a place like the Hyatt. Time to intervene.

And the story begins.

How does it end?

With a happily-ever-after, of course.

If you haven’t read the previous books in the Gambler’s Folly series, go on over and catch up! They’re on Amazon, Smashwords, and most other major book retailers.

So don’t despair. There are more books coming to the series.

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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Yeah… Who is she?

She is my alter ego, of sorts.

Sultonna Nadine was the name my parents were originally going to give me, until family insisted I be named after my grandmothers instead. (sigh)

Families, eh?

But part of me always wanted to be Sultonna.

For some reason, when I began writing, it never occurred to me to use a pen name. And after my series got started, I didn’t want to change halfway through. So when I began writing stand alone books, someone suggested I use Sultonna Nadine for those! And since they don’t fit conveniently into my series, and some of them are a bit out there, I decided to do just that.

Sultonna writes of things magical, in alternate realities, or if not magical, at least on far away worlds. Always with at least a hint of romance.

So far, she has published one book, but never fear. Another one should be out this year!

Where can you learn more?

Go over to SultonnaNadine.com. I’m still tweaking the site, so be patient.

If you haven’t read Master of the Fleet, there’s an excerpt in her new post.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for Mellie Miller’s books, go up to my links page or read an excerpt!\

Thanks for reading and remember,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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Time for what you ask?

The Book Sale over at Smashwords!

Yes, the sale ends on July 31, and then all my books will go back to their normal prices.

So if you’ve never read one of my books, or if you need to finish a series but were waiting to save money, now is the time.

I have two series, Gambler’s Folly and Esperance. Six books in all and all on sale for just $0.99 each.

I also have Master of the Fleet, a stand alone under the name Sultonna Nadine. It is also available right now for $0.99.

And what else can you get these days for less than a buck?

So head on over to Smashwords and find something you like.

Gambler’s Folly features shape shifters on a futuristic world,.

Esperance is more laid back, but with psychic Talents in abundance.

Master of the Fleet is a world where magic is real, but doesn’t seem to help Richard’s love life.

Just click on this link to go to my profile page. Then scroll down and find the book or series you want. Books are available in several different e-formats.

What are you waiting for?

Wishing you happy reading and a wonderful week.

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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One question I am asked often is where I get my ideas. Most people think I get all my ideas the same way, I suppose. But this isn’t the case.

Take Jareth, First Lord.

This particular story began with a dream. But the dream didn’t begin with the opening scene of the book. I wouldn’t have paid any attention to it, except it kept recurring for several nights. In order to make it go away, I wrote it down.

The next few nights, I dreamed a different scene from the story. Again, it wasn’t the beginning of the book, nor did it follow the scene I’d already written.

So, I decided to sit down and try to figure out how those involved in the story would get to the point of my dreams. And how did they connect?

Sitting down in front of my computer, I let my mind drift off into a daydream and began to write. After I had the beginnings of the story, the rest flowed pretty easily. Of course, there was a lot of editing to do, but at least I stopped dreaming it.

The original story became two books, Jareth, First Lord, and Viviane, First Lady. My editor noticed that i seemed to have one ending, took a breath, and launched back into the story. She felt it would work better if we stopped at the first break and continued in the second book.

Now the third book is Morgan–the Pixie and the Green Man.

Morgan was a character in my first book who touched my heart. I decided she needed a story of her own and spent several days wondering where I should start. And since I write romance, who would be her love interest?

Enter James Ferguson, whose family has Talents related to wood and the forest. His nickname for Morgan is Pixie, since she is much smaller than her is. Because of his abilities, she calls him her Green Man, which is how we arrived at the title.

Book 4 will be coming out soon–Too Many Talents. This one continues the story from Viviane, First Lady and brings in the story line from Clan Belfort and the new heir–her nephew, Connell.

Watch for it here!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…to Share the Romance…

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Can you believe it?

With the weather we’ve been having, I’m not too sure. A few days ago it was nearly 80 degrees when the Bear and I went walking. Yesterday’s highs were in the 60’s, and it got down to 38 degrees this morning. Glad I didn’t plant anything yet.

Anyway, how is everyone else out there? And more importantly, what are you reading?

I’ve been into cozy mysteries lately, and reading the Knitorious Murder Mystery series, by Reagan Davis. As a knitter, I love the way she weaves the skill into her stories.

But if you’re looking for something more along the lines of fantasy romance, with a little paranormal or magic thrown in, check out my book, MORGAN–The Pixie and the Green Man.

You can check out the video on YouTube!

Let me tell you about Morgan.

In the first book of the Esperance series, Morgan is introduced as a secondary character. When Jareth went to Clan Belfort to demand repayment of stolen goods, part of the penalty for ignoring his previous communications was The Choosing–a tithe of marriageable women to take back to his clan.

Morgan volunteered to go with him in order to get away from an abusive family situation. But shortly after arriving in her new home, she is assaulted by a young man who’s invitations she had declined. Two men passing the area came to her rescue and when she’s recovered, she testifies at the young man’s trial, but she is even more hesitant around the male of the species.

We don’t hear too much more from Morgan after this, but her story intrigued me. I decided to give her a book of her own, and help her find her happily-ever-after.

Here’s an excerpt from MORGAN–The Pixie and the Green Man.

“Morgan? Is something wrong?” Mrs. Kennoway asked.
“No, I was talking with James Ferguson. He came in for
some fruit. I think I need more sleep.”
“Did you have breakfast this morning?”
“Yes. Coffee, and toast with jam. It’s what I usually
“It’s time you had some lunch, young lady. Take
yourself into the back room and take your break.”
Morgan slowly ate the lunch she’d brought. It wasn’t
much—she didn’t usually eat much—just an apple, some
cheese, and some bread. After finishing her meal, she made a
cup of tea before going back to work.
“You look a little better,” Mrs. Kennoway told her. “Did
James say something to upset you? He’s usually such a polite
This “polite boy” had to be a little older than she was
Morgan thought, and she was twenty-five.
“No, he was nice enough,” she answered, looking down
at her hands on the counter.
“Well, then why won’t you look up and tell me about it?”
the older woman asked.
Meeting her gaze, Morgan flushed. How could she tell
this sweet lady that the idea of going anywhere with a guy
scared her to death?
“He asked me out for lunch,” she said, embarrassed
and exasperated all at once.
“And what did you say?”
“I told him I would be busy all afternoon.”
“You needn’t stay in here all day. A break for lunch
might have done you some good.”
“I can’t. I just can’t,” said, nearly in tears.
“You poor girl. You’ll have to take the first step
sometime. I know his father and mother. James is a good boy.
He’d do you no harm.”
“I know. I’ll think about it, if he asks again.”
A few days later, James came back to the market. It
was earlier in the day, but his excuse was the same. Could
she suggest something for a snack? What was good today?
He chose some pears and a little cheese before he
walked back to pay for his items.
“Could I coax you out of here for lunch today?” he
asked. How could his eyes have so much sparkle? And that
smile was so warm and inviting.
“I don’t know, James. I’m not particularly social. Maybe
another time.”
Not to be deterred, he asked, “What about dinner after
work? You have to eat sometime. We could go to the little
place across the square. It’s small and not crowded, but the
food is good.”
“Maybe not today, but thank you for asking.”
He seemed really nice, but she was terrified.
“Are you sure? They have roast chicken worth killing for.”
“Isn’t that normally worth dying for?” she asked.
“Yes, but I’m not planning to die any time soon.”

So if you’re looking for a sweet little romance, with a bit of spice and magic, check out MORGAN–The Pixie and the Green Man.

Who says the Green Man is a myth?

Ciao for now!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

...to Share the Romance…

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Yes, it’s that time again. Memorial Day. In the United States, it is a federal holiday set aside to honor military personnel who died in the performance of their military duties.

I know it isn’t, but it always seems like Memorial Day signals the beginning of summer. Maybe it’s because we always got out of school about then and our summer began.

Those of us in the marching band played in the town parade, whether school was finished for the year or not. We started at the school, marched through the town square, and then turned right to go to the cemetary. The eerie sound of the echo performance of Taps always brought tears to my eyes.

But let me tell you, those forest green wool uniforms were hot in the Ohio sun, whether marching or standing at parade rest. Complete with hats and gloves, we always hoped for a cloudy day.

Are you doing anything for Memorial Day this year? For many, it is a time for family get-togethers, barbecues, fireworks… Of course, around here, it seems any type of holiday is a time for fireworks.

I don’t have any family plans for the holiday, but I am planning something special for my readers.

A Book Sale over at Smashwords!

That’s right! Just click the link above to go to my author profile. All of my books, listed by series, will be there for you to peruse.

Beginning tonight, all my books will be available for $0.99 each. And the sale will go through Monday night. So if there any you need to complete a series, now’s the time to stock up!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and holiday. Stay safe out there!

And as always,

Don’t Forget…

…To Share the Romance…

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We’ve finally left 2020 behind us. Let’s hope 2021 gives us a better run.

From all the folks on Gambler’s Folly, Esperance, and the Cote d’Or


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Open magic book with the light. Eps 10

We’re in the final day of the Smashwords Authors Give Back Sale. Yes, the sale ends on May 31.

Why check it out?

FREE BOOKS, as well as others that are discounted.

All of my books are on sale or free, now through May 31. After that they go back to their usual price.

Looking for more books in one of my series, or want to check out something new? Just click on the link and scroll down to find all my books.

You can always follow me on Facebook for news on my writing or for book sales.

I just finished my latest Work in Progress (WIP) Whiskey Jug Genie. Now the fun starts with editing…

But while you’re waiting, check out the sale.

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