
Posts Tagged ‘Nok’

I know. I’m a pushover, but I’ve decided to extend the offer on Jareth, First Lord through Monday.

So now you don’t have an excuse!

Go on over to Book Funnel and find the link to your favorite retailer.

Set on a rustic world lost to Earth centuries before, Esperance has developed a clan system, each clan ruled by a First Lord with psychic abilities. Jareth is the current ruler of Clan Brannach. A young widower, he has no heir, but has really had no interest in finding a new lady since his wife died in childbirth. But when he sees Viviane, he knows she’s the one.

Viviane is the daughter of the neighboring First Lord, but she would love to break all ties to the ruling house. The pomp and circumstance are too tiring and frustrating for her. Recently widowed, she is faced with having to go back home until Jareth comes riding in to take her back to his clan. Somehow she neglected to tell him she’s the clan leader’s daughter…

Can Jareth win the heart of this lady before he starts a clan war?

Find out in Jareth, First Lord!

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